[Children Enjoying Reading]
So what makes up an authentic text? Authentic texts are simply texts that children can relate to and expand upon with their knowledge.
Some qualities of authentic texts are:
- Informational books that expand children's knowledge
- Gives the child the option to interpret the text in their own way
- Fosters a connection to the book and encourages conversation
How does this look and affect writing? Children naturally explore the world around them and try to make sense of language and writing; inauthentic experiences with writing does not mesh well with the meaning making that children have learned through intense observation through their years before school.
Authentic writing activities have a large effect on motivation and satisfaction with writing. Activities that involve writing worksheets, copying text from a teacher, or writing letters repeatedly are not very meaningful and most of the time are very boring for a child. When a child is told to do a writing activity that has no meaning for them, they do not feel the satisfaction from doing something meaningful and therefore may not fully understand the concepts that are trying to be taught. To really cement important writing skills, it must be used in an authentic and meaningful way.
Some examples of authentic writing experiences:
- Making lists and signs
- Writing made up stories
- Signing your name on a class attendance sheet
- Writing notes to friends, family or special people
- Choosing child-driven topics that they enjoy writing about